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1.) Find us in Facebook groups:
2.) Click JOIN HERE
Answer and agree to (all) the club rules for acceptance
4.) Email request as stated in instructions for serious participants.
5.) Read all the important (feature) FB post in the club, if you scroll up top. There you will learn when upcoming events and meets are happening.
7.) Watch the Welcome Video in FB 
8.) We ask to read about rules and expectations to remain as a club member. You can find them below here as well. 


Text Message Shannon with questions 503-877-8449


I like all members to please read this message below. We have a lot of confusion on how this club operates. And like to make sure you get the most of your time.

Summer time is my most busiest time of the year. I own and operate Oregon Kayak Tours and Salem Jumper Rentals. Which makes getting back to emails FB messages very challenging.

(( PLEASE READ TILL THE END )) it’s long…. But very important information every single member needs to follow to remain a club member. This is message below is the kindest way possible to explain rules.

If you have any further questions or concerns. Please send me a text 503-877-8449. This is my #1 fast reply communication response.

I am not the only one that accepts request. I have moderators that screen requests as well. If they see any request that didn’t agree to all the rules. They would have send you a message. Saying. You’re request was declined. Unless you answer all the questions and try again. Or you were removed because your acct was too new. Not enough time to see if it was a real profile.

I hope if you did join the club. You have already watched the (WELCOME VIDEO) so you understand and learn how this club navigates. If you scroll up top of the club page in FB to (FEATURE POST) You will see the welcome video, next to it, if you scroll right. You will see the Club Waiver. Everyone must sign club waiver to participate in all club activities to remain in the club as well. It’s a digital waiver.. so easy to do. If you scroll to the right again. You will find (CLUB EVENTS)…. There you will see pre-schedule preplanned events. A lot of my main community events are annual and can predict them to be the same time every year.

Our biggest issue… is everyone wants to RSVP…. Yet

(( MANY DO NOT READ ))…. You must read the entire (instructions) on event to comply!

Expect every event hosted by me (Shannon or Oreogn Kayak Tours) YOU MUST TEXT 503-877-8449. This way if there is any meal tickets, or register cost for any special event and to make sure there is (AVAILABILITY) and a way for me to communicate with you directly if the event changes or any reason. Communication is (Extremely) important. After 3 times (NOT) following instructions. You will be removed. I offer a lot of my free time to help host these events and free opportunities on my time and cost. I like to make sure members follow through.

For example of annual events: New Years Day paddle, St. Patty, Valentines, Agate Rock kayak contest & bbq, Fiesta tacos at the narrows, First day of Summer Clackamas River, First Sunset night paddle and last, Labor Day floaty float paddle, Halloween Paddle, Western Night Pot lucks, Ladies night potluck, Thanksgiving paddle and so forth….

We also have our annual kayak club camping trips i guide… we have May in Chiloquin/ Klamath falls area, June Lakes of the fcascade,Aug Coast trip.

From Sept to April, we fun monthly member meets ups off the water at random bars for eats and drinks. So you can get to know other members and find new paddle buddies to paddle with. And make new friends. We also have club bowling, bingo night, white elephant Christmas gathering. Lots of fun get together. We are a club not a kayak group. We are more 101 and a active club. Your participation will depend on how active you feel this club is. This club is only as much you give back. We have a lot of proactive members. If you like to be apart of the activities. Then you must do the work to reach out and attend. FYI: at club meetups we no longer save seats. Due to no shows, so if you want a seat with everyone I suggest you show up early. After 3 no shows to events you rsvp too. You are removed from the club. (Everyone is Welcome) we treat everyone fairly. (Every Club Member is A Friend) you will be treated fairly! Everyone is equals, respected and loved! We have no clique. If you see the same people in same photos in club. It’s because these are your (active) members. They participate all the time. The more active you are the more you are included along with the rest.

We do not allow any negative comments, behavior or know it all’s in the club. Always more then one way to do something. Agree to disagree. No slandering, spam or self promoting. Oregon Kayak Tours LLC is allowed promote since this is helped operated by my biz. No mention of other biz’s. If you bash another member, put down or anything negative towards anyone’s post or photos, comments or members. You will be removed . Our club doesn’t allow any negativity. We accept all members and to be friends. No anonymous post.

(Your club participation is wanted)

We want club members who have their own kayaks to host club group paddles, (we ask to not include club group paddles that is combined with another kayak group paddles) please make it a original Salem Kayak club paddle) please do not advertise our club paddles in other kayak groups. As they need to be a Salem Kayak Club member to participate. Unless it’s a (COMMUNITY) event hosted by Oregon Kayak Tours from the Oregon Kayak Tours Website… then everyone is welcome to join. Please (SHARE YOUR KAYAK ADVENTURES). And introduce yourself! Ask questions, share Fun photos. A lot of times, it seems everyone waits for me to created club gatherings this is a club. All members are equals, create club events and post.

I will host many other last minute club kayak excursions in between my commercial tours if I can. In the off season, I will post many opportunities to join with me and others to kayak. When I am not busy with paid customers. Fall and spring times are amazing times .

If you ever like to go on a kayak trip and do not want to wait for me to post a group paddle. You can alway (TEXT) me you like to go for a paddle. Way easier to do so in the off season and we can meet up and go. I work for the schools district during my off season as a substitute. Every nice day is a kayak day during the off season. And I’m very flexible.

So please if you want to paddle let me know. I paddle every single week of the year. More so on weekdays. Because I do run a bounce house biz on wknds.

If you don’t have a kayak? No big deal. I offer free opportunities all year round. You will have to follow the club and especially read post by me or (GO TO CLUB EVENTS) often to not miss last minute opportunities as well. If you want to go on a kayak trip more on your time, I would need you to please pay for my services. All you need to do is go to my biz website, pick a tour location and text me some dates and how many. And from there I will book you. I offer all sorts of tours. From 101 kayak lessons, where I bring different style of kayaks for you to try and go over basic river safety, and paddling techniques and how to operate gear. It’s $70 for two hours for short trips or 101. If you have your own gear. It’s $60 for 2 hours. If you want a longer excursion at all my other locations. You will need to go to my website

If you are new to kayaking and have your own gear? Your always welcome to join my commercial tours for FREE…. So you can learn in a professional setting along with the paying customers. So you don’t feel alone, and can be educated as well. And be alert of the group . These commercial tours are not always advertise in the club. So your more then welcome to (TEXT) me anytime. Email and FB is not my prefer way to communicate.

As long as you are responsible for your own gear, don’t interfere with my guiding. Or go ahead of me on tours and follow my instructions and rules in a commercial tour. You’re more then welcome to join.

(HONESTLY) this is the friendly kind Reminder)

First to please check club events often, as we are a busy club. And have several group paddles all year round. If you don’t look in the right places often. You will miss out. During the off season… we have to wait for dry day. So it’s not always predicted. Once you RSVP….. (PLEASE COMMIT) (( after 3 No Shows)) and didn’t UN-RSVP to an event or pay for tickets to this event or send me a text you rsvp too (hosted by Shannon or Oregon Kayak Tours). We will remove you from the club permanently. If you are going….. and don’t RSVP…. After 3 Times you will be removed

(COMMUNICATION) is very very key to me. I do not like it when you do not respond back or leave me on (Read). Will immediately get you removed. I stress this out… Because we are grown adults….. and if we have the time to be on FB all day… and yet can’t simply send a message saying, hey I’m sorry I can’t make it and UN-rsvp. Then this club is not for you. I have had too many members do this to me…. Or say they are coming. And I do go out of my way to reserve a spot for them, and spend my own extra money to cater this event for food and so forth. And they did a no show or cancel at last minute…. We can not have club members like this… Because of this, I’ve been forced to charge fees for some of our events due to this…. No Refunds after you paid for your spot. I hope you can understand why I feel head strong on this. When I say I’m going to do something… I always follow through. And if for any reason something happens you will be the first one to know why it’s was canceled or moved and always for a very good reason. I like to have the same treatment trust back from others.

I always say… how would you feel if a biz had cancel your order or booking and didn’t tell you or answer the doors? (Completely ignore you)? Customers would be extremely upset and never go back to them and leave bad reviews. This should be no different from you and each member. They need to be responsible and treat others how they want to be treated. Zero tolerance in the club.

That about sums it up. I really hope you choose to stay and participate. As there are so many amazing, great, kind loving club members in this club. And you would be missing out on some of the greatest friendships.


Community Partners

All copy rights belong to Salem Kayak Rentals LLC /

copyrighted 2019

Website designed by, Graphic Designer Shannon Valdez text 503-877-8449

for an affordable better then basic web design starting at $80 per page.

Sponsor: at Salem Jumper Rentals LLC

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