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THANK YOU! For joining tonight's FIRST EVER
(Worship on the water & Bible study)
event on Willamette River Salem OREGON

This is the transcript of the events Bible Study 7/26/24

QR CODW waterproof BIBLE.jpg


JULY 26th 2024 (First Event)



I like to first off, thank everyone who came out tonight to worship together  and receive the gospel with in the community,  to help grow us closer to Christ and  learn to live more for Christ  and like Christ.

My name is Shannon and also owner of Oregon Kayak Tours.  I truly feel my business is faith based. I solely have guided people kayaking in our community for several years before I went commercial.

Now going on 8 years. I feel being on the water has brought a lot of healing and one on one with God when I am alone kayaking.

 I have seen how much therapy and good it has helped many others, that I have introduce to kayaking.

You are in God’s creation being out here on the water,    next to all good he created,     all wild life   and this beautiful scenic view behind me.       

It has always felt like my calling    to help serve the community and    give these experiences that maybe   very healing   and spiritual to others.

At the end of this study, I will be raffling off two set of books.   One of the Bible and this Workbook

 that goes hand and hand with tonight’s study.  I have provided a QR CODE in your packet that links to this book ai am referring to.

There will be several QR CODES in your packet. Incase you don’t know what QR CODES are?

They are links that take you somewhere. To use a QR CODE, you would need to open up your CAMERA on your PHONE, like you are going to take a photo of the CODE,  except you won’t. You will just hold the camera up to the CODE and you will see a yellow highlighted word that you will click on. And from there it takes you to the online link desired..

One Code will send you to the link to purchase the Book,  another code for Feedback,   which will be critical for having future events and for volunteers to help host, another QR CODE is for the FACEBOOK PAGE I created for Worship on the Water & Bible Study Event.  Please Follow it, if you haven’t,  and last a QR CODE for  the Transcript of tonight’s study. If you choose follow up on what was said by me for the study.




 I am praying tonight I will help someone out there.  Like this bible study tonight has helped me recently.  And I am now seeing out of what seems like, new lenses.  Life has recently forever change for the better,  since I have come across this study I have for you tonight.

 This study has taught me, I had lost trust in God  and didn’t even realize it until now.

 How ever now I am at peace,  and trying to live life Christ way now.  Giving him my 100% trust.

I can tell you now, it feels fantastic!   A PEACEFUL FEELING, I HAVE NOT HAVED  OR   IN A VERY LONG TIME.


 I had been recently undergoing a lot of stress  and unfortunate circumstances  that have impacted my family, and especially my faith.  I was battling anger,  depression,  self-harming thoughts,  anxiety,   stress,  loss of trust in people  and frustration  impacted me hugely.  I have truly spiral down over the last couple years  secretly   and haven’t been truly praying about it  or  trusting God.


I didn’t know how to handle these unfortunate circumstances. It did not matter how much joy I gave to others,  or how hard I worked, or how many people I helped. Or the success of running my business’s.  It didn’t matter I have lots of support from my husband,  Kids, closest friends, and the kayak community behind me.

 I couldn’t shake off these horrible emotions and thoughts that  I…  felt has been crippling me and I felt had a hold on me.

During this time, I lost my dad to Alzheimer’s, my Close Aunt’s passed as well unexpectedly.  On top of trying to be there for my teen daughter who was giving birth anytime and in middle of my busiest season, I felt so extremely betrayed    and    extremely hurt by individuals with no meaning behind it.

 Total acts of evil towards me and my family.  Unfair treatment,   I couldn’t get past what these people have done  to me and  family.

In which brought me down a long dark spiral,  with filled darkness thoughts.  I really felt God was putting me through another     extreme trial.   It’s really  hard to live in peace  with everyone, especially when these people are still doing it.

I had to keep reminding myself what Paul the Apostle wrote in the Bible, which states directly in (Romans 12 :18)  If Possible,  so far as it depends in you,   live peacefully with all.  The Bible means it describes a lifestyle of serving and loving others,   admit to wrong,  apologize,  make things right  and forgive.

I had to keep reminding myself daily, and hourly what Christ would want. It was very hard to do, when these people kept throwing    what felt like stones at us, repeatedly for fun. It was the biggest MIND BATTLE against Satan in every good thought, was an evil l thought. It was very back in forth.   I constantly had mixed feelings and had to remind myself….

 By  repeatedly…..  re-reading   many   scriptures in the bible over and over,  to remind myself the importance of keeping my mind straight. These were my reminders:

In the Bible …  Romans 12 :17, written by Paul.

Never Pay back Evil   with more Evil.  Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable.   And in (Roman 12:12) Also written by Pual in the bible.

Rejoice in our confident hope.  Be patient in trouble,  and keep praying.    (Keep Praying) …

Most Importantly reminding myself also by Paul in ROMANS  12: 19-21 states,

 (Dear Friends,  never take revenge.  Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the scriptures say,

 “ I will take revenges;  I will pay them back.”    Says the Lord.)    

 Instead:  If your enemies are hungry, feed them, If they are thirsty, Give them something to drink. In doing this,  you will heap burning coals of shame on their heads.

” Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.”

Paul has also wrote, In Romans 12:14  Bless those who persecute you.  Don’t curse them,  Pray that God will bless them.


This may be the hardest faithful challenge  I have ever faced.  I couldn’t be happy with in and not finding answers.  I strongly felt I was in a battel against evil      in my mind     that wasn’t letting up.

This was not like me. It wasn’t until not that long ago,  I was on a solo one on one kayak camping trip  by myself heading to the coast for a few days,  I was listening to worship music like this evening.  That had me crying the entire 3 ½ hour drive.

 And I spoke out loud to God, that I was sorry for all the evil thoughts and words that have come out of my mouth,  that I knew wasn’t Christ way    and sinful.    

 I cried about my circumstances, and pray out loud…   that I have surrendered and I submit myself to you God.  Because, my way is not working  and I am still unhappy  and not at peace.


 I said,….. I give up,  I will do it your way.  I asked GOD,  Jesus to fill my body,  my mind,   my heart   and soul  with his holy spirit  and to fill me with you,  to think and act like you.  In Christ way…  and to use me how you need to, for me to do better. To honor you.


The next couple months would go by, and still felt these emotions  and had negative thoughts I couldn’t shake.  I was still trying…  However,   I have been feeling pulled into a direction where  I wanted Christ more,  I wanted him desperately to help me.  I felt lost.  I didn’t want him to give up on me.  And been praying more for it.

But Jesus promised us something else as well. You will have suffering in this world.  Say that again….  That’s not you might  ((or )) you may  ((or))  you could….. 

 (( It’s you will )) . In the Bible,  In John 16 :33 states,   I have said these things,   so that in me you may have peace.   In the world you will have troubles.   But take courage.   I have overcome the world.

My mom sent me a video online,  and in this video,  This man stated,  you’re not anxious.  You think you are,  because Satan wants you to think you are.  He said, every time you feel anxious.

 Just know that’s Satan throwing darts at you.  And think of being anxious as a reminder to go pray about it. 


The man continue to say,  let this be a blessing when you feel anxious.  BY throwing darts back at Satan,  when you take your worries   or (thoughts captive)  to God  and Pray about it every time.

After I watch this video,  it clicked and at that very moment.  I finally got it!  I just felt extremely compelled to host this Worship on the Water & Bible Study event. And instantly got to work in creating the logo and advertising this event on my FB page. I knew hosting this would be about the troubles we all face daily,  I knew this would help many others,     and most of all I felt  I would find the complete answers in the bible as well.  I knew this was my calling for me just as much.


Right after I reached out to some Christian churches to see if anyone had advice?

Our regular church (West Salem Four Square) reached backed out.  And one of the pastors referred me to a book to read. He said it would go well with the mental wellness &  awareness bible study event. As I went to the book online.  I was drawn to another book the author wrote.  I felt this was more perfect and suited.  

After reading the entire book, along with corresponding reference in the bible.  It was life changing and    with great reference    for biblical tools I was learning.   My life was transforming in front of my eyes as I read the book and bible together for the first time,

 As God already had this planned  and knew I would find my prayers to be answered  by preparing for this event.  And here we are now,  with this an amazing turn out  of all these people who are also thirsty for Christ.  I will be raffling of two sets of the bible and this book at the end.

 This is amazing!!  God made this  happen tonight!!  Here you all are!   Thank you for helping making this event happened for God,  Jesus and the Holy Spirit.



I like to start off our Bible Study,  based of the teachings of Paul the Apostle. Through his stories in the scriptures in the bible.  His testimony is very impactful and can help each  and  everyone of us live a peaceful  and more joyful life with in Christ. Paul teaches us this. The bible is our biblical tool to help us navigate the daily stress,     anxiety,      depression,       doubt,    fears and more.  We were meant to live a peaceful and joyful life through Christ.      This we learn from Paul.



He was known as the Apostle Paul  &  Saint Paul,   was a Christian Apostle  who spread the teaching of Jesus   in the first century world.     His story of redemption in Jesus Christ    and testimony      that no one is beyond saving grace   of the Lord.  Paul had a very dark side in early life before  becoming an apostle   of Grace.  He a had brutal violent past and persecution of the early church.


In which Paul’s story is In  ACTS 9: 1-22. Where Paul’s born name was Saul.  Before he was found as an apostle,  he did many countless acts of evil   Which later he feared his evil actions.   Fortunate, Saul’s life showed a marked difference as  he lived his life for Christ.  He converted from Judaism to Christianity.   During an encounter with Christ on the road to  Damacus.

 Then is when Saul’s life was turned upside down.    The light of the Lord blinded him. Through prayer Saul received the Holy Spirit. It wasn’t until   ACTS 13: 9  Saul began to go by is Roman name Paul.

Paul wrote many of the New Testament books. He wrote Romans 1 & 2, Galatians, Philippians 1 & 2,  and 7 others.  Paul spent his life proclaiming  the risen Christ Jesus  throughout the Roman WORD….

He was imprisoned for preaching about Jesus. Where he waited the death sentence. Where he lived every moment in Christ and he was very confident in not being afraid to die. Paul wrote in

Philippians 1: 21  (FOR ME TO LIVE IS CHRIST,  AND TO DIE IS GAIN. )   What does this verse mean?

It means,   Life on earth  is meant to be lived for Christ  and Death will be even better because it will mean being in the Prescence of the Lord.  To live is Christ,  can mean pursing the knowledge of Christ.


In this verse Paul is referring to a Christians ability to endure hardship  and persecution,  hunger. Abundance,  and need.  That in all….  this he finds Joy and Peace.

Paul was very confident  and he states that  any time he had left on earth,  would result in positive work for God. Even tough he was in prison;  he used every moment of everyday to be consider fruitful labor      of positive work  that can be done for the lord.



That God can save anyone.  As stated in the Bible in JOHN 4:10 & Romans 8: 3-4

Explains, God sent his only son to die on the cross,  to forgive us for our sins. He sent his son to become a human and take the punishment that we deserve.  Christ bore the wrath of God on the cross   on our behalf,  satisfying God’s justice and paying the all  ultimate  price    for our sin. So we can be forgiven     and  can be with him in spirit eternity.  SO we can have the path of redemption for eternal life.    

In the Bible Paul wrote,   Galatians 1:4 The Lord Jesus Christ is the one    “who gave himself for our sins so that he    might rescue us from this present evil age.


Going back to Paul, he  repeats it,   every day as sinful,  broken people  all over the world are transformed   by God’s saving grace in Jesus Christ.  When we read Paul’s story,  we are amazed that God would allow him    into the heavens     who murdered innocent people    women and       children.      Today we might see these   terrorists  or  the criminals   as unworthy of redemption because,   the crimes against humanity  are far great  to be changed.


The story of Paul  can be a story told of today.  God granted him mercy.  The truth is that every person matters to God.  From the decent average person to the wicked evil.  Only God can save a soul from hell.

We learn from Paul’s story,  the life of peace,  that anyone can be humble,  powerful witness for Jesus Christ.   No other human figure in the bible  demonstrated more humility,   while sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ  as Paul did.  In Acts 20 :19   tells us Paul served the lord with humility   and tears  and with trials that happened to him.

Paul knew  the out come of a life  well lived for Christ.   He surrendered his life fully,  trusting God for everything.     (For to me to live is Christ  and to die  is gain).



From the bible Paul Wrote in Romans 12 :2


WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?    The Bible says    we can take every thought captive.      Not only can our thoughts be changed,   but we can be the ones that change them.

What we believe  and what we think  about matters   and the enemy knows it.

And he is determined to get in your head,   to distract you from doing good,  and to sink you down                                                                 

so deep,   that you feel helpless,    over whelmed,        shut down,     and incapable   of rising to make a difference for the kingdom of God.

Another example:

When you get upset with someone  or something,   your already mentally building case against them.        Negative thoughts start rolling in.  The enemy of our souls,   has no intentions of releasing his grip  on our minds without a fight.

There are real enemy’s  with demons at his backing call.  He wants  to take you out.  He is determined    to steal your faith.  We have a choice, to not allow negative thoughts.



 Paul knew we would spiral down,  so he told us to replace the lies with something surprising and he wrote;.


The question here:

What did the bible mean by,  to not be anxious about anything?

To be anxious for nothing means,

We don’t need to be afraid,    worried,     alarmed,    or frightened    about anything.      Because all things work together  for the good   of those   who love God.

What is the Meaning of all that,

Well, In other words,  God doesn’t want you to focus   on things that are   outside   of   your control. God wants you to trust him  instead of dwelling on worrisome things  all day long.

God wants you to  stop  worrying so you can have  victory  in Jesus.   Peace that is.

Satan would love nothing more  then to keep you in a state of anxiety,  doubt  and fear.

Negative thinking   helps create all spiral down  thought patterns.

We always have a choice.

We may not choose the situations  and the people in our lives,   but we can choose   to see how we react.

We get to choose how  our minds  think,   there for how our lives will go.   Rather to see the best  and    celebrating the good,  we have chosen to see only the struggles  and complain about it.

The enemy’s,  strategy  is to flood our thought with vision   of all that is wrong in this broken world., to the point    we don’t even look for the positive.


If we want to be free of chaos,   we can not stay alone in the dark with the devil.  We need to be rescuers      and we need to choose to gather a team of community  around us.

Again, I have a choice,    I can be known.

If we don’t reveal our secrets, then the devil has us in our secrets.

When we say our thoughts out loud, when we reveal our dark struggles,

we take them captive      and break that power.    We test the gospel  and allow it to stand.     We bring in community.    This is how God created us to fight.

In the bible… Paul’s advice was Follow my example,     as I follow the example of Christ.      Follow me     as I follow Christ.

Basically it means,  look for healthy people,  which helps you make   healthier choices.

Were not looking for perfect people.  We are looking for whole  and healthy people.

Always Ask for help. It can save your life.

The strongest bonds    gets forged through difficulty.

Choosing a community over isolation  can be down right scary.  It requires us to take risk.      Taking a chance  is the core to the heart,  center of meaningful human experiences.


The enemy hold us    captive in isolation.  You have a choice,   You can remember that the Spirit of God lives  inside you and me,   and he will walk with me  as I reach out to others.   Not everyone will be supportive,

But you need to keep opening up.  And you will find someone.   Counseling is great,   because it can help disrupt unhealthily patterns  we barley notice in our selves.


 In the Bible Paul wrote  in Corinthians 10: 4-5

He explains, the most important battle we will fight  is not physical  or mental.

It is the spiritual warfare   we undergo as devoted  followers of God,

when strength and convention    of our faith are    continuously tested.

In this battle,  we face not only external forces  but the thoughts and passions…

Within ourselves that may stray  from the path of righteousness,.

Thankfully we can look to wisdom of scriptures and the Armor of God  to encourage us in this spiritual war.

As in the bible Paul wrote In  Ephesians 6:11 -13

Put on     the whole armor of God,  that you may be able to stand against the devil. For we do not rustle against the flesh and blood, but against the rulers,   against the authorities,    against the cosmic powers  over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces  of evil in heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God,  that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,  and having  done all,  to stand firm.

Also stated in the Bible

James 4:7   Submit yourselves therefore to God.  Resist the Devil,   and he will flee from you. 

Peter 1: 5-8,   Be sober-minded,     be watchful.    the devil prowls around like a roaring lion     seeking someone to devour.

What does that mean from the bible?,

Basically,   The enemy will tell you  that change is hopeless,  that you’re a victim of your circumstances     and your thought patterns.


The enemy wants you to settle, to find away just to survive and   be some  what   happy.

The enemy will urge you   to accept   that this is   just who you are, That your thinking is rooted too deeply in your personality or up bringing to ever make a shift.


Our Objective is to capture the thought,   to have the courage  to face that defining  destructive thought  and interrupt it.  In reminding our selves,….. we have a choice.

Going back to the bible, Paul wrote In Romans 8,

Which lays it out clearly.  A mind set on the flesh, leads to sin  and  death, and a mind set on the Spirit,    leads to life and peace.

What does the bible mean by this?

Basically means,

Shifting our minds from flesh to Spirit  is an on going work of the Spiritual life.

 It is not a one time decision,  it’s a day by day moment  by Christ in different areas of our thought lives.

What is standing between us and victory  is one of three barriers    (OR)    all three.


Which are the devil,  our wounds,   our sins.  Sometimes attack comes directly from Satan. He attempts with evil  and loves to inflict suffering.  He is sneaky.  He does it well with comfort until we are numb. The devil is out to steal,   kill and  destroy.


Going back to the bible, Paul wrote In Romans 8: 5

Those who live according to the Flesh,   have their minds set on what flesh desires,  but those that live accordance with the Spirit,  have their minds set on what   the Spirit desires.


And Paul also wrote In Romans 12: 2

Don’t copy the behavior  and  customs of this world,  but let God Transform you   into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you.  Which is good    and pleasing    and perfect.


What does the bible mean by this?

In other words: Do not become like the people who belong to this world,  But let God completely change the way that you think,  so that you live differently. Then you will understand what God wants you to do.      Which is to live a peaceful life.


Paul constantly is teaching us to make a mind shift and hold your thought captive,

 then take it to Jesus  and pray about it.

And leave it for him  to worry for you.

So, you can enjoy a peaceful life that’s meant to be.


We can have an escape plan,  called the Shift.

When I act a certain way of thinking,  and it is not serving me well.


I can escape that thought pattern  and capture a new thought pattern.

 I can make a mental shift and by changing my mind.

And then it will change my emotions.

Which interrupts the entire progress.


You do not have to be held captive,

You don’t have to dwell  on every horrible thing   that may not happen.


To Paul,  in order to make a shift from over whelming thoughts and doubts,  and lies  is to


 In the bible Paul wrote in Romans 12 :2

Start interrupting  life  through the lens of God’s word  and inspiration of the Holy Spirit,

Rather then through the lens  of your own experiences,    trauma    or the opinions of others.


What does the Paul mean by this?

WITH EACH SHIFT,    WE WILL FIND OURSLEVES GROWING    MORE AND MORE INTO THE MIND SET OF CHRIST,   The Battle of our minds  is won as we focus on Jesus

 every moment,         every hour and          every day.


I like to stop now,  and ask.    If you are ready to hold your thoughts captive,  to make a shift. To truly give all your worries to God,  and to give him all your trust,  and to ask for redemption,  ask for forgiveness    for all your sins. To Start over,   a clean sweep today    and right now.    You absolutely can.    You can turn to the (Salvation Prayer)  in your packet on back on the 1st page.

If you like to repeat after me  either silently   or out loud.  This is a prayer to Receive Jesus Christ as your Savior.




I Believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God.     

That he died on the cross for my sins

and rose again on the third day for my victory,

 I  believe that in my heart

 and make confession with my mouth,

 that Jesus is my Savior and Lord.

I receive eternal life,

 in Jesus name, Amen.

If you just said that prayer,  and accepted Christ    to be your holy savior.    Congratulations!     Today you have made the best decision of your life,  to accept Jesus Christ as your savior and Lord.   Heaven  is celebrating  along with us  because you have come    into the kingdom of God.

 You have been adopted into God’s family. As explained in Luke 15:10:1 and John 3:1

Also explained in the Bible in 2 Corinthians  5:17   Therefore if anyone be in Christ, he is a new creation,    old things have passed away,   behold all things become new.


I am now going to close out with a prayer,  followed by the raffle giveaways. SO hang tight,  and the volunteers will be sending 10-15 people  over to the boat ramp at a time,  to  safely get off the boat ramp,  without everyone over crowding and other motor boats.

Please follow up with the QR CODES in your packet, so you know where to purchase the book that help inspire this event and information heard tonight.  Please send me back feedback of tonight event and the QR CODE to follow up on tonight’s transcript, of tonight’s study if you choose.

Credit goes to this book, by the Author named Jennie Allen. Book called ( Get out of your head). Stopping the Spiral of toxic Thoughts,

and credit to the one and only Holy Bible and Apostal Paul who touched my heart and help me see through new lens. My life has forever changed and I am so grateful for this and this opportunity to share God’s word with you all.


And thankful for God’s forgiveness, so I can start healing and live a more peaceful life through Christ.

Lets go ahead now and raffle of two sets of the Holy Bible and Jennie Allen’s Book that went hand and hand with tonight’s study. Winners please wait after the last prayer to come receive your gifts.




Lets Close out in Prayer…


We come to you today to ask for help,

You are our everything. 

Lord we need rest.

we give you our worry.

Take it Lord.

We accept your peace, Love, and understanding.

Help us,  to turn to you and not ourselves,

 to stop doing and start trusting.

Help us to wait on your answers,

because we know that they are good.

Give us wisdom, hope, and peace.

 Thank you Lord, for your patience and grace.

We love you , and we know you love us so much more then we could ever imagine. 

In Jesus Name Amen.

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