Salem Kayak Club mini website has been added into Oregon Kayak Tours website. Please check it out here through this (LINK) or go to menu here and drop down to SALEM KAYAK CLUB. https://www.oregonkayaktours.com/salem-kayak-club
Here you will see regular updates of Club photos from kayak adventures, community events, about us. There is a member's page, that showcase all the (active) club members photos with names. Provides monthly club meeting recaps for ones who can't make it, you will find what to wear kayaking, club store merchandise and more!
This is a great source to send anyone who is interested in joining. Mini websites, has club rules and expectations. To make sure your referrals are a good fit. Site explains how to join.
Lots of fun and great Oppurtunites to be community involved and blossom new friendships.